Motivation for this organisation
original issue
As it appears that there are now at least 5 tries to reimplement parts of Nix in Rust,
it might be appropriate to isolate common functionality or patterns into crates that
can be shared between all of them (as it might be likely that we run into edge cases
which could be modeled with a big variety). It is also easy to see that the initial
development targets of the associated projects vary to a somewhat greater degree.
- define a set of protocols and Rust crates which implement them to ensure
interoperability between both existing Nix tooling, and between different partial
reimplementations of Nix in Rust.
- create low-level abstraction Rust crates which implement common functionality in a
strongly modularised way, to avoid recreating a somewhat monolithic design again,
as Nix (especially the language frontend) currently partially suffers from a
too-high coupling between its internal components, which make e.g. swapping out the
frontend language for Nickel or such difficult
or almost impossible.
- reimplementing the entirety of Nix within a single reimplementation in Rust.
Currently, multiple slightly-different designs are pursued, which partially give
up compatibility with Nix to some degree, and I don’t want to curb creativity and
potential benefits which might come from this,
e.g. better support for content-addressed derivations+realisations, or different
implementations of common interfaces to test their performance characteristics.
Existing projects
- PR nix-rust - various optimizations
– improvements to the old
code base
- griff/Nix.rs, some parts of nix reimplemented in rust
- YZITE/yzix, based on mostly the same concepts as nix
(but it’s not really a reimplementation), but uses a different store layout,
different interface, and tries to also integrate ninja, ccache and distcc,
basically a much more researchy project, and less useful;
but it might be possible to extract common abstractions out into some shared rust crates.
- Tvix: We are rewriting Nix
TVL / tvix tries to reimplement the Nix evaluator in Rust.
- kamadorueda/toros, proof-of-concept Nix interpreter.
- YZITE/nix2js, half-working Nix-to-Javascript transpiler.
Used as an experiment to find out which parts of the Nix language are difficult to implement.
Known findings:
Available components
- Lexer+Parser:
, based upon rowan
but deviates a bit from the original Nix parser, and might thus parse some Nix code incorrectly.
- Lexer+Parser:
, based upon santiago
tries to adhere much more closely to the original Nix syntax.
for scanning of byte arrays for references to a Nix-like store. Similar in goal to
but not a reimplementation.
implements evaluator components which rely closely on C++, or are otherwise cumbersome, and contain boring complexity
(currently mostly regex stuff, because most regex engines have incompatible syntax and behave differently in edge cases)